EXHIBITIONS: 2007-Present
- Group-Show, Gallery at the Top, Waterstone’s Bookshop, Nottingham, Summer 2007
- Solo-Show, NSA (Nottingham Society of Artists, Jan-Feb 2008
- Group-Show, Gallery at the Top, Waterstone’s Bookshop, Nottingham, June 2008
- MA Group-Show, DMU Leicester, August-Sept. 2008
- Group-Show, The Crocus Gallery, Lenton, Nottingham, Dec 2008
- OPUS Group-Show (as Lead Artist), Sherwood ArtWeek, June 2010
- City Gallery & Lace Market Square, Nottingham, LightNight Jan-Feb 2010
- Group-Show (as Lead-Artist), Sherwood ArtWeek, June 2012
- Solo-Show, ‘Mama Raj: An Anglo-Indian Story’, NAE (The New Art Exchange) Nottingham, Dec 2012
- Group-Show, The Crocus Gallery, Lenton , Nottingham, May 2013
- Group-Show, OPUS, NAE , Nottingham, Aug 2013
- Group-Show, OPUS, The Brick Lane Gallery, Whitechapel, London, Aug 18-Sept 1, 2014
- Group-Show (as AA2A/ACE Artist-in-Residence), ‘Mama Raj II’, Univ. Of Lincoln, July-Aug 2014
- Solo-Show, Lace Market Square, Nottingham, LightNight, Feb 2015
- Solo-Show, The Gallery Upstairs, The Hopkinson Gallery, Nottingham, May 2015
- Group-Show, StreetArt 2015, Surface Gallery, Nottingham, June 2015
- Group-Show, StreetArt 2016, The Surface Gallery, Nottingham, June 2016
Universities (DMU, The University of Lincoln), Arts Council England(ACE/AA2A), The Gallery Upstairs @Waterstone’s Bookshop, Nottingham, The Creative Quarter, Nottingham, New Art Exchange, Sherwood ArtWeek, Nottingham, The Crocus Gallery, Lenton, Nottingham, The Atkinson Gallery, Nottingham, The Brick Lane Gallery, Whitechapel, London, OPUS@Oldknows Artist, Nottingham, PlayWorks/Play Forum, Nottingham, The Surface Gallery/ACE, Nottingham, Ignition, Sheeran-Lock, LeftLion, Nottingham, The Nottingham Post, Art Monthly, Artists Newsletter, DACS, Royal Society of Chemistry, Teaching & Other Agencies, E. Mids. & London, Nottingham Creative Network, Greater Richmond Partnership Virginia (GRPVa, USA, etc.).
SERVICES OFFERED: Consultancy & Creative Practitioner (Arts/Sciences/Media/Education)
OTHER WEBSITES: Linked-In/Google Yellow Pages